The Florida REBI Chapter is an approved Chapter of the National Real Estate Business Institute (REBI), an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors. Formerly the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers, the organizational name change was approved in May 2015 to better reflect how our business has evolved including expanding the portfolio of offerings to the REALTOR® community. Designations and Certifications are rooted in exceptional learning experiences with practical course content to improve business operations, impact profitability, and raise the bar on professional development – for agents, brokers, managers, and team leaders. Designations and Certifications include the CRB and SRS Designations and the CRETS and RENE Certifications.
Membership in the Florida Chapter is open to all members of the National Association of Realtors® as follows:
Institute Members:
- Designated Members: – active members (dues paid) who have been awarded the Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB) or Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designations.
- Non-Designated Members: – active members who have been awarded the Real Estate Negotiation Expert (RENE) of Certified Real Estate Team Specialist (C-RETS) certifications.
- CRB Candidate Members: – active members(dues paid) who are in the process of obtaining the required CRB designation credits to satisfy the requirements for designation as a Certified Real Estate Brokerage Manager (CRB).
- Institute Member: – CRB, SRS Designees and CRB Candidates in good standing of another Institute Chapter shall be entitled to Non-resident Membership. A Non-resident shall enjoy all rights and privileges of Chapter membership except the right to vote and hold office.
Non-member REALTOR®/REALTOR® Associate: These individuals are not members (Designated, Non-Designated or CRB Candidates) of the Real Estate Business Institute, but are active members of a local or state association of REALTORS®.
Affiliate Member: These are Non-Institute members and may be members of a local board or state association of REALTORS® as an Affiliate (i.e. lenders, mortgage bankers, relocation companies).
- Make the Chapter a relevant organization to assist members in managing for profitability
- Provide educational opportunities at State and District levels on current topics.
- Provide a convention program for exchange of ideas, provide leadership opportunities, and include sponsored educational and networking events.
- Create a communication central web site for member’s interaction through electronic newsletter, and articles for dissemination of current trends and issues impacting Brokers, Managers, and Team Leaders.
- The Florida REBI Chapter is an affiliate of the National Association of Realtors under the National (REBI) Real Estate Business Institute banner.
- The Chapter’s mission is to provide CRB and SRS designation classes and other management education for the profitability of the Chapter members.
- To further professionalism, through networking opportunities, risk reduction programs, and information sharing of daily business needs which are designed specifically for Brokers, Managers, and Team Leaders in the real estate business.
Core Values
- Member centered.
- Superior member service.
- Relevant and current real estate business education and resources.
- Internal and external accountability.
- Responsible management of Chapter resources.